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1ª Temporada
Temporada completa:
Torrent: The Pirate Bay
S01E01: Piloto (Space Pilot 3000)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E02: Uma Viagem à Lua (The Series Has Landed)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E03: Um Amigo Robô (I, Roommate)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E04: À Procura de um Amor (Love’s Labours Lost in Space)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E05: Humanos Aqui não Entram (Fear of a Bot Planet)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E06: A Minha Fortuna São os Meus Amigos (A Fishful of Dollars)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E07: Imperador Por um Dia (My Three Suns)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E08: O Mal do Século XX (A Big Piece of Garbage)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E09: O Inferno dos Robôs (Hell Is Other Robots)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: FreakShare
S01E10: O Titanic do Espaço (A Flight to Remember)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E11: O Macaco Gênio (Mars University)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E12: A Magia da Televisão (When Aliens Attack)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
S01E13: O Refrigerante Secreto (Fry and the Slurm Factory)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: BitShare | FreakShare
2ª Temporada
Temporada completa:
Torrent: The Pirate Bay
S02E01: Os Mutantes (I Second That Emotion)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E02: O Crime de Zapp Brannigan (Brannigan, Begin Again)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E03: A Eleição (A Head in the Polls)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E04: Natal Entre Amigos (Xmas Story)
S02E05: O Acasalamento (Why Must I be a Crustacean in Love?)
AVI: 4Shared
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E06: De Volta ao Século XX (The Lesser of Two Evils)
AVI: 4Shared |DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E07: Quero Meu Corpo de Volta (Put Your Head in my Shoulder)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E08: O Maior Não é o Melhor (Raging Bender)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E09: De Onde eu Vim? (A Byclops Built for Two)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E10: A Aposentadoria Forçada (A Clone of my Own)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E11: Bender em Apuros (How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E12: Visita à Cidade Perdida (The Deep South)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E13: Bender na Máfia (Bender Gets Made)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | FreakShare
S02E14: O Grande Amor de Hubert (Mother's Day)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E15: Espécime em Extinção (The Problem With Popplers)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E16: A Máquina das Probabilidades (Anthology of Interest I)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E17: O Soldado Modelo (War is the H-Word)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E18: Robocar Assassino (The Honking)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | BitShare | FreakShare
S02E19: De Volta ao Passado (The Cryonic Woman)
AVI: 4Shared | DepositFiles
RMVB: Hotfile | FreakShare
3ª Temporada
Temporada completa:
Torrent: The Pirate Bay
S03E01: As Amazonas do Futuro (Amazon Women in the Mood)
S03E02: Os Parasitas Perdidos (Parasites Lost)
S03E03: Uma História de Dois Papais-Noéis (A Tale of Two Santas)
S03E04: O Trevo da Sorte (The Luck of the Fryrish)
S03E05: O Desastre Ecológico dos Pinguins (The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz)
S03E06: O Amor Sem Fim (Bendless Love)
S03E07: O Dia em que a Terra Ficou Idiota (The Day the Earth Stood Stupid)
S03E08: A Festa do Oscar (That’s Lobstertainment!)
S03E09: Um Sonho Realizado (The Cyber House Rules)
S03E10: Paz em Marte (Where the Buggalo Roam)
S03E11: Um Dia de Louco (Insane in the Mainframe)
S03E12: Uma Lição Para os Filhos (The Route of All Evil)
S03E13: Uma Vida de Sucesso (Bendin’ in the Wind)
S03E14: O Tempo Não Para (Time Keeps on Slippin)
S03E15: Eu Namorei um Robô (I Dated a Robot)
S03E16: A Fama de Leeela (A Leela of Her Own)
S03E17: Um Faraó Para Ser Lembrado (A Pharaoh to Remember)
S03E18: Antologia de Interesse (Anthology of Interest II)
S03E19: De Volta ao Passado (Roswell That Ends Well)
S03E20: A Falta de um Amigo (Godfellas)
S03E21: Mamãe Ataca de Novo (Future Stock)
S03E22: O Concurso de Culinária (The 30% Iron Chef)
4ª Temporada
Temporada completa:
Torrent: The Pirate Bay
S04E01: O Nascimento de Novas Vidas (Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E02: O Mundo de Leela (Leela's Homeworld)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E03: A Nave Espacial Apaixonada (Love and Rocket)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E04: Os Super-Heróis (Less Than Hero)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E05: Um Gostinho de Liberdade (A Taste of Freedom)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E06: Bender na TV (Bender Should Not be Allowed on TV)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E07: De Volta ao Passado (Jurassic Bark)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E08: Um Calor de Matar (Crimes of the Hot)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E09: Voltando no Tempo (Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E10: O Futuro de Fry (The Why of Fry)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E11: Um Fã pra lá de Fiel (Where No Fan Has Gone Before)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E12: Um Sonho sem Fim (The Sting)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E13: O Grande Amor de Bender (Bend Her)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E14: A Transformação de Bender (Obsoletly Fabulous)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E15: O Universo Paralelo (The Farnsworth Parabox)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E16: Dinheiro Não Traz Felicidade (Three Hundred Big Boys)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E17: A Volta da Paixão (Spanish Fry)
AVI: 4Shared
S04E18: As Mãos Demoníacas (The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings)
AVI: 4Shared
5ª Temporada
Temporada completa:
Torrent: The Pirate Bay
S05E01-04: O Grande Golpe de Bender (Bender's Big Score)
S05E05-08: A Fera Com Um Bilhão de Costas (The Beast With a Billion Backs)
S05E09-12: O Jogo de Bender (Bender's Game)
S05E12-16: A Preservação da Vida (Into the Wild Green Yonder)
Parte IV
AVI: 4Shared
6ª Temporada
S06E03: O Formulário Assassino (Attack of the Killer App)
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S06E11: Diferenças Irreconciliáveis (Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences)
MKV: 4Shared
S06E12: A Revolta dos Mutantes (The Mutants Are Revolting)
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S06E13: O Feriado Espetacular de Futurama (The Futurama Holiday Spectacular)
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